Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 1

Date: Saturday, December 1st, 2012

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." - Epictetus

1) I'm blessed and grateful to have Jesus as my savior and friend. I know He has GOOD plans for my life and is more than willing to give me what I need to accomplish my life's purpose.
2) I'm so grateful to have Joy in my life. She brought out the best in me, and still am doing it everyday. She is an angel on loan from Jesus. 
3) I'm grateful for my parents, they gave me all I need when I'm growing up. 
4) I'm grateful for my sister and my brother in law, they saved my life when they paid for the brain tumor surgeries when I was a teenager.
5) I'm grateful for my education experience, college times, and overseas university days.
6) I'm grateful to have more time with my family right now. Fitting, as my dad can no longer drive himself or my mum to the clinic for their checkups and any other places due to poor eye sight.
7) I'm grateful for the cataract surgeries that my parents will be getting soon, hope their vision will be restored back to HD! :)
8) I'm grateful to be alive!
9) I'm grateful for my pets! Noel, the cat, is practically free, rescued from the market when he's a small kitten. He is a furball of cuteness. Sleeps with us, and sleeps most of the time. Ernie, the dog is also rescued from the streets as a puppy.He makes an excellent low cost intruder alarm. 
10) I'm grateful of the self development and the positive environment with great people that I am regularly in for I know these will prepare me for an extraordinary life!

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